Saturday, October 13, 2018

Washington Crossing HIstoric Park first section

If you like history, You will be interested in visiting Washington Crossing Historic Park, located where the real crossing on the night of December 25-26 happened.

Who knows the history, know that the Washington Crossing of the Delaware River was the first surprise attack from the americans trying to get the independice. They went to fight with the Hessians, who were fighting, hired by the british army. 

The park is compound of two sections, New Jersey and Pennsylvania sections. Also the Pennsylvania section is divided in two. First section: Mc Conkey's Section
        Second Section: Thompson Neely Section

Today's Post is dedicated to Mc Conkey's Section, where you can find the Visitor center and a lot of acres with picnic area. 

My first step was going to the Visitor Center, where I took the map to make my travel to the park. I have to accept that I am not very well with maps, but the park map is not really easy to understand. Not after a while I realized that the park was divided in two sections, and both were too far to make the travel walking. At the end, I never found the second section and I came back home only visiting 80% of the park. As my opinion the Official web page should specify address for both sections. Besides all the struggle I loved my visit through the park. 

For more information you can visit the official site

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